Protection of personal information

We attach great importance to the protection of personal information of the users of our Site and, to this end, we have put in place the following policies:

1. What is personal information?

This refers to any information that relates to a natural person and allows that person to be identified.

2. What personal information do we collect?

As part of your user experience on our Site, we may collect personal information about you.

You can communicate your personal information to us in different ways via our Site: either directly when creating a customer account, requesting information, or participating in contests, indirectly via cookies.

We do not collect personal information from third parties.

We take care to collect only the information that is strictly necessary to provide you with the most enjoyable user experience and to provide you with the services you have subscribed to.

Fields that must be filled in are marked with an asterisk.

Situations where personal information may be collected Nature of information collected Purpose of the processing carried out by us Nature of the user's consent
Creation of a customer account
Last name, first name, email address
Manage customer relations; send you personalized offers
Fulfillment of a contract (being able to respond to the service you have subscribed to)
Request for information
Company name, Last name, first name, address, phone number, email address
Send you an answer
Sending a newsletter
Last name, first name, email address
Send you information about the brand
Send commercial communications
Last name, first name, email address
To send you commercial communications
Promotional operations (contests)
Last name, first name, address, telephone number of participants
Communicate about the commercial operation
Navigation (data collected by cookies)
(On these points see policy dedicated to cookies)

3. Is your consent required?

Except where we are in the course of performing a contract with you (e.g., a sales contract), your consent is always required for the collection of personal information and may be withdrawn upon request.

In addition, we do not collect personal information from a minor under the age of 14 unless consent is given by the minor’s parent or guardian.

4. Who is the Privacy Officer?

Ms. Magda Bernath
Director of Regulatory Affairs and Quality SILHOUET-TONE CORPORATION
1985 Monterey Street, Laval, Québec H7L 3T6
This person is responsible for ensuring compliance with and implementation of the Act and for determining the purposes and means of processing personal information.

5. Security, retention and destruction of personal information

We ensure the confidentiality of your personal information and put in place technical means to ensure its conservation and eventually its destruction. Your personal information is stored on secure software with restricted and controlled access. Your personal information will be destroyed or made anonymous when the purposes for which this information was collected or used are achieved.

6. What are your rights?

In accordance with the law in force, you have the right to information (to receive concise, transparent, understandable and easily accessible information in clear and simple terms), the right to access, rectify, oppose, erase and limit your personal information.

If you exercise your right to object to and/or delete and/or port your data, we will not be able to provide certain services.

In addition, you may withdraw your consent to the collection and processing of your personal information at any time.

To exercise your rights, or to inquire about our privacy policies, please contact the Privacy Officer in writing. In case of a disagreement, the law provides a recourse to the Commission d’accès à l’information.

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