ST 250
UGS : 411100

Permanent Hair Removal System
Performance and Simplicity all in one
The ideal permanent hair removal system for all electrologists, the Blend ST 250 features easy multifunction access to all preprogrammed settings.
Choosing treatment parameters is quick and easy.
18 specific face and body areas that are preprogrammed according to different parameters:



When selecting the hair type to be treated, the Blend ST 250 will automatically choose the most efficient thermolysis technique to be used: Super Flash, Flash or Slow
When the area and hair type to be treated have been chosen, the Blend ST 250 automatically selects the appropriate and most efficient Blend technique for best results: Short, Pulsing or Uni Blend.
The Manual Mode offers direct access to the various modalities intensity and time parameters for customizing hair removal settings. Thermolysis, Blend as well as Electrolysis are all easily accessed through the digital keyboard.
With 250 programs and fully computerized controls, the Blend ST 250 easily competes with high performance upscale electrolysis systems.

Built-In Silhouet-Tone Specifications
- 4 Thermolysis modes
- 5 Blend modes (automatic UL calculation)
- 250 integrated programs to choose from
- 2 memory functions
- Choice of pedal or no pedal operation (insertion delay)
- Variable insertion delay mode
- Dual timer (Chrono or true time mode)
- Insertion counter (number of hair treated during session)
- Hydration test
- Accessories self-test