
Spirit UGS : 411130 Interested? Click here COMBINES THE BENEFITS OF ALL 3 WAVELENGTHS, 755, 810, 1064 nm ACHIEVING EXCELLENT RESULTS TO ANY WAVELENGTH APPROACH ULTRA-FAST MOTION TREATMENTS, COMFORT AND POWERFUL LASER TECHNOLOGY The perfect Laser for real long-term results Spirit Trio uses 3 wavelengths: Alexandrite – 755 nm, Diode 810 nm and YAG 1064nm operating simultaneously is groundbreaking for the laser hair removal industry. It has been clinically proven to deliver faster, safer and more comfortable hair removal.Smart artificial intelligence algorithm enables practitioners to define precise treatment parameters, optimal energy levels, flash duration and rates, taking into account Thermal Relaxation Time (TRT) and skin anatomy.The usage of three different laser beams enables the Spirit Trio to target hair follicles in different depths, target melanin and oxyhemoglobin and provide superior treatment results on all Fitzpatrick’s. SPT: Speed Power Technology SPT laser technology is considered a breakthrough in Laser Hair Removal treatments. This unique system uses improved laser diodes. Produces a beam which concentrates the energy into high power short flashes. Using the SPT technology enables a selective treatment to the hair follicle, which lengthens the time between treatments. The severe damage to the hair follicle diminishes the hair regrowth substantially. Technical specifications of hand piece Powerful superior laser cooling System The Spirit is equipped with a most advanced internal cooling system with substantial advantages: Quiet operation 24 hours of constant cooling Not depend on room temperature Assist in Diode Stack for long life operation. Low service requirements. Laser Diode 2400 watts, golden standard manufacturers. No Pulse limit. Perfect for SPT technology. Powerful and efficient Absorption of light by skin chromophores The graph below shows how skin chromophores absorb light. The light is turned from laser energy into heat energy that enables the hair follicle’s coagulation. The Spirit Trio utilizes three different wavelengths – 755, 810 and 1064 nm. Effect of wavelength and beam width on penetration in light-tissue interaction using computational methods. Caerwyn Ash1 & Michael Dubec2 & Kelvin Donne1 & Tim Bashford1The difference is in the penetration depth and coverage of the capillaries nourishing the hair follicle. Technical specifications of the device How the Spirit Trio works: Hair Removal is one of the most popular procedures performed all over the world. In order to remove hair we coagulate hair follicles.In order to coagulate only the hair follicles and not the surrounding tissues, there needs to be a difference of color between the hair follicle and the surrounding tissues. The darker the area the more light (heat) it will absorb. The color of the surrounding dermis does not change over time. The color of the hair follicle changes according to the hair’s growth phase. The best Hair Removal is achieved when the contrast between the hair follicle and the surrounding tissues is at its peak. The Right Stage for Hair Removal Anagen (the first phase of the hair growth cycle) is the optimal stage to remove hair. This is because: There is a high concentration of melanin, making the dermal papilla area darker than its surroundings There is a higher concentration of blood vessels, contributing to the darkening of the dermal papilla area. Therefore, when heated, the dermal papilla region will absorb more energy and coagulate before its surroundings. Spirit’s solution does not rely on melanin alone to remove hair, but also on exhausting the energy of the matrix cells and the dark hemoglobin found in the capillaries. This combination makes hair removal possible for many types of hair colors, including for grey hair. information REQUEST Veuillez activer JavaScript dans votre navigateur pour remplir ce formulaire.Name *E-mail *PhoneCity *Province *QuebecPrince Edward IslandNova ScotiaNewfoundland and LabradorNew BrunswickOntarioManitobaNunavutSaskatchewanAlbertaNorthwest TerritoriesBritish ColumbiaYukonCheck here if outside CanadaCountry *Product or equipment *Message * Send

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IPL Extra 818

IPL Extra 818 UGS : 411131 Interested? Click here For both permanent hair removal and skin rejuvenation without surgery or any down time Permanent hair removal Facial rejuvenation Pigment spots Telangiectasia Mild to moderate acne IPLExtra818 is an advanced technology based on the relation between melanin in the skin and hair which sets the pulse pattern according to the selected treatment type, skin colour, skin photosensitivity and treatment depth. Affordable price Painless treatments Increase and Enhance Existing Services Contemporary touch screen control Built-in patch test procedure for safety and efficiency Potential to increase revenue by 100% The large hand piece has a push button in addition to the foot switch making work easier and faster for the practitioner The High power application hand-piece provides ½ second intervals between each pulse allowing maximum results in shorter treatment time Minimal discomfort for the client Improved results on dark skin and deep follicles Customized settings Usage of over 200,000 pulses in single lamp keeping operating costs at a minimum Revolutionary Cooling System to ensure a comfortable treatment to the patient. IPLExtra818 provides user friendly functional graphic displays on a larger screen for a convenient and efficient treatment. Pre-selection of the required treatments include: Hair Removal Acne Skin Rejuvenation Pigmentation Vascular IPLExtra818 provides user friendly functional graphic displays on a larger screen for a convenient and efficient treatment. Technical specifications of the device IPLExtra818 uses intense pulsed light to induce biological processes that are needed in various skin treatments such as Hair Removal, Skin Tightening, Tissue Lifting, Pigmentation and so much more. The device is based on Active’s GEM Technology (geometrical energy management) which means that concentrated light energy is penetrated deeper into the skin, creating visible results with less trauma to the epidermis.IPLExtra818 is the world’s fastest and most effective method of hair removal, using a safe technology approved by Health Canada and a technique that makes the treatment virtually painless.IPLExtra818 permanent hair removal is ideal for those who want to get rid of unwanted hair painlessly and cost efficiently. Intense pulsed light hair removal devices targets hair in the growth phase. It emits a light pulse that, once absorbed by the hair, is converted into heat and will destroy the entire hair cavity at the root causing permanent hair removal. How does the treatment work for photo epilation? The GEM-PL technology sets a specific pulse rate based on the type of treatment chosen, skin colour, skin photosensitivity and treatment depth.Treatment protocols and pulse patterns take into account the thermal relaxation time (TRT) of the tissue. The combination of tested treatment protocols allows the IPLExtra818 to penetrate the melanin in the epidermis without harming it, and to work on other chromospheres found in the dermis with a more effective ~420nm spectrum, resulting in an effective, safe and painless treatment. How does the treatment work for Acne? As part of a routinely metabolism process, the P.Acne bacteria generates an organic compound called porphyrin.High intensity broad spectrum light (Especially blue light) triggers the porphyrin to release single oxygen atoms (Free radicals). These free radicals are seeking other atoms to attach themselves to. They make connections to molecules they are not supposed to connect to, and by doing so they ruin the functionality of these molecules. The activity of many single oxygen atoms destroys the P.Acne bacteria. How does the treatment work for Skin Rejuvenation? GEM-Laser is an innovative technology, developed to harness light energy to treat a variety of skin conditions effectively and successfully. It uses a specific dose (only a few milliseconds per pulse) and intensity of wavelengths, around 420nm to enable optimal results in the production of collagen and elasticity. The combination of tested treatment protocols enables the IPLExtra818 to get through the melanin in the epidermis without harming it, and work on other chromospheres found in the dermis with a more efficient spectrum of ~420nm, resulting in an efficient, safe and pain-free treatment. How does the treatment work for Vascular? Two treatments are administered in order to treat the capillaries: Breaking the layer of clotted blood and re-opening the capillary, resulting in free blood flow through the capillary and the disappearance of the purple colour. Stimulating the collagen layer to produce more collagen, resulting in thicker skin which conceals the capillaries. How does the treatment work for Pigmentation? Solar lentigo, or as more commonly known, age spots, sun spots or liver spots are blemishes on the skin associated with age and exposure to UV radiation from the sun. They range in color from light brown to black and are located in areas most often exposed to the sun, particularly the hands, face, shoulders, arms, forehead, and the head if bald. Light-based technology helps in safe and quick removal of those spots. The melanocytes absorb the energy of the light pulse. This light energy turns into heat energy that coagulates the melanocytes selectively. New cells are later formed without this high concentration of melanin and the skin is renewed. information REQUEST Veuillez activer JavaScript dans votre navigateur pour remplir ce formulaire.Name *E-mail *PhoneCity *Province *QuebecPrince Edward IslandNova ScotiaNewfoundland and LabradorNew BrunswickOntarioManitobaNunavutSaskatchewanAlbertaNorthwest TerritoriesBritish ColumbiaYukonCheck here if outside CanadaCountry *Product or equipment *Message * Send

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