Evolution XHD

Evolution XHD UGS : 411026 Interested? Click here La fusion de 3 fréquences, une révolution de précision et de stabilité pour une efficacité absolue Une exclusivité Silhouet-Tone La modulation vectorielle Révolutionne le marché de l’électrolyse avec sa précision et sa rapidité inégalée, assurant une énergie maximale transmise au follicule pour des résultats optimaux et un confort inégalé pour nos clients. Utilise plusieurs segments de 1/1000ème de seconde – les plus rapides du marché – afin de maximiser et d’optimiser le transfert d’énergie à travers le follicule lors de l’envoi de l’impulsion. L’évolution haute définition Le système révolutionnaire « Vectoriel » est la quintessence de la technologie de modulation, combinant différentes méthodes d’épilation électrique pour des résultats permanents, rapides et sans inconfort pour nos clients. En utilisant une impulsion puissante suivie d’un déclin progressif, notre technologie de pointe permet une expérience incomparable avec les techniques de Thermolyse, Électrolyse et « Blend ». Explorez les avantages exceptionnels de notre solution d’épilation électrique définitive 1 CIBLER Technique destinée à traiter les poils les plus difficiles pour le LASER et l’IPL, des plus clairs aux plus foncés, roux, blancs, gris, blonds, très fins et duvets. 5 GLOBALITÉ La possibilité d’épiler toutes les zones du visage et du corps. 2 ALTERNATIVE L’option idéale pour les clients réticents ou inéligibles aux traitements LASER et IPL. 6 SÉRÉNITÉ Permet de contourner les restrictions liées à certains traitements médicamenteux, photo-sensibilisants, contre-indiqués pour les traitements LASER et IPL. 3 SUR-MESURE La perfection des retouches pour finaliser tout traitement épilatoire employé précédemment. 7 UNIVERSALITÉ Pour toutes les couleurs de peaux, garantissant une satisfaction totale pour les hommes et les femmes. 4 COMPLÉMENTARITÉ La correction des hyperpilosités et autres poils complexes et problématiques, pour des résultats optimaux. 8 LIBERTÉ Un traitement réalisable sans contrainte saisonnière, toute l’année. Le pouvoir de l’électrolyse Une solution définitive pour éliminer les poils Un traitement essentiel et complémentaire aux technologies LASER et IPL. L’épilation électrique définitive détruit efficacement le poil à sa racine, quelle que soit sa pigmentation. Confort optimal Notre technologie garantit une expérience sans inconfort pour une satisfaction totale de nos clients. Efficacité Incontestable Découvrez une expérience d’exception, sans le moindre inconfort, pour une satisfaction totale, fruit de notre savoir-faire et de l’expertise acquise au fil des années auprès de nos clients. Satisfaction Garantie Assurez-vous que chaque traitement répond aux attentes de vos clients. Notre technologie exclusive garantit une efficacité sans précédent en transférant une énergie optimale au follicule pileux, garantissant ainsi une épilation définitive sans compromis. Modulations Vectorielles Ces modulations permettent d’appliquer beaucoup plus d’énergie tout en minimisant l’inconfort. Uniques sur le marché mondial de l’électrolyse. 35 années d’expertise, technologie employée dans plusieurs générations d’appareils d’électrolyse Silhouet-Tone Variations du courant en intensité et en durée pendant l’insertion du filament dans le follicule uniques pour chaque paramétrage Variations sur-mesure supérieures à toute autre technologie concurrente Idéales pour les techniques Thermolyse, Électrolyse et « Blend » Disponibles pour les 3 fréquences : 27.12 MHz, 13.56 MHz et 6.78 MHz Accès facile et rapide à des paramètres préprogrammés complets Assurent la destruction rapide de toutes les cellules germinatives de la racine et du bulge Garantissent l’obtention d’un résultat permanent plus rapidement Préservent les tissus avoisinants Programmes personnalisés et modes spécifiques d’épilation En mode pré-programmé 12 zones corps Femme 8 zones corps Homme 9 zones visage Femme 6 zones visage Homme En mode calibre de poils Très fins Fins Moyens Gros Très gros Extra gros En mode poils spécifiques Post-traitement IPL et Laser Repousses paradoxales Poils incarnés Poils déformés et frisés En mode manuel Tous les paramètres sont adaptables, vous permettant de choisir entre l’utilisation du courant de haute fréquence (Thermolyse), du courant galvanique (Électrolyse), ou d’une combinaison de ces deux courants (Blend). 4 modes Thermolyse selon les fréquences Super Flash : Idéal pour poils très fins à fins Flash : Adapté aux poils moyens à très gros Flash Lent : Conçu pour poils extra gros Flash Pulsé : Spécialement dédié aux « poils complexes » 4 Modalités Blend – Courants Combinés (Thermolyse + Électrolyse) Short Blend : Adapté aux poils fins à moyens sur le corps Soft Blend : Conçu pour les zones du visage et les régions sensibles, les poils fins à moyens Pulsed Blend : Destiné au traitement du corps, sur des poils gros à très gros Uni Blend : Spécifiquement conçu pour le visage et les poils gros à très gros UNIQUE SUR LE MARCHÉCombinaison de 3 HAUTES-FRéQUENCES optimales dans UN seul appareil Rapidité de diffusion et coagulation accrues, idéale pour les poils fins et très fins.Silhouet-Tone, fort d’une expertise de plus de 50 ans dans les 3 fréquences, vous présente son dernier système offrant l’ensemble des fréquences reconnues, efficaces et tolérées. Cette innovation vise à permettre aux professionnelles de l’électrolyse d’affiner les paramètres, de personnaliser chaque traitement et de répondre au mieux aux attentes des clients. FRÉQUENCE Diffusion exceptionnellement rapide pour une efficacité optimale Puissance et coagulation accrues pour des résultats supérieurs Effet maximal à la pointe du filament, assurant une coagulation précise à la base du follicule pileux et la destruction des cellules responsables de la pousse des poils Efficacité prouvée sur tous les types de poils, avec une précision idéale pour les poils très fins et fins ÉNERGIE La fréquence 27.12 MHz = Diffusion HF Super Flash Concentration de l’énergie au plus près du filament Préservation les tissus avoisinants grâce à la combinaison aux Modulations Vectorielles Minimise la déperdition d’énergie Associée aux Modulations Vectorielles, elle offre un très haut niveau de confort Puissance augmentée, parfait pour les poils très gros, extra gros et complexes FRÉQUENCE Rapidité de diffusion Puissance accrue Efficace sur tous les types de poils, avec une efficacité particulière sur les poils très gros, extra gros et complexes À 13.56 MHz, la radiofréquence offre une stabilité parfaite pour une épilation diffuse et sécuritaire ÉNERGIE La fréquence 13.56 MHz a été programmée en mode de diffusion HF Flash Lent Cible les cellules responsables de la pousse des poils et combat efficacement la résistance naturelle du poil afin d’optimiser

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Spirit UGS : 411130 Interested? Click here COMBINES THE BENEFITS OF ALL 3 WAVELENGTHS, 755, 810, 1064 nm ACHIEVING EXCELLENT RESULTS TO ANY WAVELENGTH APPROACH ULTRA-FAST MOTION TREATMENTS, COMFORT AND POWERFUL LASER TECHNOLOGY The perfect Laser for real long-term results Spirit Trio uses 3 wavelengths: Alexandrite – 755 nm, Diode 810 nm and YAG 1064nm operating simultaneously is groundbreaking for the laser hair removal industry. It has been clinically proven to deliver faster, safer and more comfortable hair removal.Smart artificial intelligence algorithm enables practitioners to define precise treatment parameters, optimal energy levels, flash duration and rates, taking into account Thermal Relaxation Time (TRT) and skin anatomy.The usage of three different laser beams enables the Spirit Trio to target hair follicles in different depths, target melanin and oxyhemoglobin and provide superior treatment results on all Fitzpatrick’s. SPT: Speed Power Technology SPT laser technology is considered a breakthrough in Laser Hair Removal treatments. This unique system uses improved laser diodes. Produces a beam which concentrates the energy into high power short flashes. Using the SPT technology enables a selective treatment to the hair follicle, which lengthens the time between treatments. The severe damage to the hair follicle diminishes the hair regrowth substantially. Technical specifications of hand piece Powerful superior laser cooling System The Spirit is equipped with a most advanced internal cooling system with substantial advantages: Quiet operation 24 hours of constant cooling Not depend on room temperature Assist in Diode Stack for long life operation. Low service requirements. Laser Diode 2400 watts, golden standard manufacturers. No Pulse limit. Perfect for SPT technology. Powerful and efficient Absorption of light by skin chromophores The graph below shows how skin chromophores absorb light. The light is turned from laser energy into heat energy that enables the hair follicle’s coagulation. The Spirit Trio utilizes three different wavelengths – 755, 810 and 1064 nm. Effect of wavelength and beam width on penetration in light-tissue interaction using computational methods. Caerwyn Ash1 & Michael Dubec2 & Kelvin Donne1 & Tim Bashford1The difference is in the penetration depth and coverage of the capillaries nourishing the hair follicle. Technical specifications of the device How the Spirit Trio works: Hair Removal is one of the most popular procedures performed all over the world. In order to remove hair we coagulate hair follicles.In order to coagulate only the hair follicles and not the surrounding tissues, there needs to be a difference of color between the hair follicle and the surrounding tissues. The darker the area the more light (heat) it will absorb. The color of the surrounding dermis does not change over time. The color of the hair follicle changes according to the hair’s growth phase. The best Hair Removal is achieved when the contrast between the hair follicle and the surrounding tissues is at its peak. The Right Stage for Hair Removal Anagen (the first phase of the hair growth cycle) is the optimal stage to remove hair. This is because: There is a high concentration of melanin, making the dermal papilla area darker than its surroundings There is a higher concentration of blood vessels, contributing to the darkening of the dermal papilla area. Therefore, when heated, the dermal papilla region will absorb more energy and coagulate before its surroundings. Spirit’s solution does not rely on melanin alone to remove hair, but also on exhausting the energy of the matrix cells and the dark hemoglobin found in the capillaries. This combination makes hair removal possible for many types of hair colors, including for grey hair. information REQUEST Veuillez activer JavaScript dans votre navigateur pour remplir ce formulaire.Name *E-mail *PhoneCity *Province *QuebecPrince Edward IslandNova ScotiaNewfoundland and LabradorNew BrunswickOntarioManitobaNunavutSaskatchewanAlbertaNorthwest TerritoriesBritish ColumbiaYukonCheck here if outside CanadaCountry *Product or equipment *Message * Send

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Evolution 7 HD

Evolution 7HD UGS : 411016 Interested? Click here THE EVOLUTION OF ELECTROLYSIS ABSOLUTE EFFICIENCY + ULTIMATE COMFORT MAXIMUM COMFORT AND EFFICIENCY WITH THE FINESSE OF VECTOR MODULATION The Evolution 7HD sequential gives you full control of your treatments. Whether it’s with the manual or pre-programmed mode, this highly efficient device ensures a comfortable treatment. The power of a 6.78mhz frequency with the comfort of a mechanism based on the exclusive concept of vector modulations offers wellbeing and high precision. The efficiency of thermolysis may be unsurpassed, but the discomfort associated with these treatments, considered too painful, prompted electrolysis experts to move towards the blend and high-frequency thermolysis – more specifically 13 MHz and 27 MHz. Although these techniques ensure greater comfort, progress came at the expense of efficiency. In fact, the 6.78 MHZ is significantly more efficient than higher frequencies.The Evolution 7HD combines maximum effectiveness with ultimate comfort. The decision to go back to a low frequency while adding sequential modulations was made to ensure optimum efficiency and to prevent clients from feeling the discomfort they may have experienced with past treatments. These modulations, which are the fastest on the market at 2/1000 of a second, optimize energy transfer thanks to greater wavelength accuracy and stability. We can, therefore, get as close as we possibly can to the pain threshold, without ever reaching it, while maximizing the energy that is being delivered. conventional modulations vector modulation THE EVOLUTION 7HD REPRESENTS THE WINNING EQUATION = MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY + ULTIMATE COMFORT Historically, low frequencies have always been sought for their efficiency. However, the discomfort associated with these treatments prompted electrolysis experts to move towards higher frequencies. While the 13 MHz and the 27 MHz ensured a higher standard of comfort, this came at the expense of efficiency. With sequential modulation, we can once again embrace the efficiency of the low frequency, while delivering unparalleled comfort. PERMANENT RESULTS Compared to lasers and IPL, electrolysis is one of the most effective permanent hair removal techniques. With the Evolution 7HD sequential, you will be able to treat all hair types (shapes, thicknesses, and colors) and ensure total client satisfaction. EASY TO USE (TOUCHSCREEN) User-friendly and visually appealing, the touchscreen provides a simplified and tangible overview of the treatment in progress. Achieve total peace of mind and allow yourself to be guided by the options available on the Evolution 7HD sequential, the most interactive unit on the market. FREE WIFI SOFTWARE UPDATE The number of programs has always been a considerable element in the purchase of an electrolysis device. By providing free access to the latest updates, the Evolution 7HD sequential allows you to enjoy an “infinite” number of programs. By evolving with the technological advances of the market, the device will never be obsolete. Manual Mode The manual mode gives you full control of your treatments and the flexibility to perform a custom hair removal. It allows direct access to the different intensity and time parameters, and the method you prefer: Thermolysis, Blend or electrolysis. ENERGY SAVINGS / GREEN ENERGY The use of a lower frequency allows us to concentrate the energy at the tip of the needle to minimize heat loss. Thanks to a lower energy demand, the unit consumes less power and therefore extends its life by avoiding premature component wear. The Evolution 7HD Sequential in 5 points Ultra-fast modulation at 2/1000 of a second is combined with the power of a low 6.78 MHz frequency. A manual mode allowing direct access to the different intensity and time parameters, and the method you prefer: Thermolysis, Blend or electrolysis The touchscreen ensures a simple, tangible and interactive overview of the treatment. Free WiFi access to the latest updates means being able to take advantage of an “endless” number of programs! The “iontophoresis” mode allows users to perform pre and post-epilation treatments. Specifications Power: 110-220 AC, 50-60 HertzWeight: 3.6 kg (8 lbs)Width: 31.8 cm (12.5’’)Lengh: 32 cm (12.6’’)Height: 22.4 cm (8.8’’) information REQUEST Veuillez activer JavaScript dans votre navigateur pour remplir ce formulaire.Name *E-mail *PhoneCity *Province *QuebecPrince Edward IslandNova ScotiaNewfoundland and LabradorNew BrunswickOntarioManitobaNunavutSaskatchewanAlbertaNorthwest TerritoriesBritish ColumbiaYukonCheck here if outside CanadaCountry *Product or equipment *Message * Send

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IPL Extra 818

IPL Extra 818 UGS : 411131 Interested? Click here For both permanent hair removal and skin rejuvenation without surgery or any down time Permanent hair removal Facial rejuvenation Pigment spots Telangiectasia Mild to moderate acne IPLExtra818 is an advanced technology based on the relation between melanin in the skin and hair which sets the pulse pattern according to the selected treatment type, skin colour, skin photosensitivity and treatment depth. Affordable price Painless treatments Increase and Enhance Existing Services Contemporary touch screen control Built-in patch test procedure for safety and efficiency Potential to increase revenue by 100% The large hand piece has a push button in addition to the foot switch making work easier and faster for the practitioner The High power application hand-piece provides ½ second intervals between each pulse allowing maximum results in shorter treatment time Minimal discomfort for the client Improved results on dark skin and deep follicles Customized settings Usage of over 200,000 pulses in single lamp keeping operating costs at a minimum Revolutionary Cooling System to ensure a comfortable treatment to the patient. IPLExtra818 provides user friendly functional graphic displays on a larger screen for a convenient and efficient treatment. Pre-selection of the required treatments include: Hair Removal Acne Skin Rejuvenation Pigmentation Vascular IPLExtra818 provides user friendly functional graphic displays on a larger screen for a convenient and efficient treatment. Technical specifications of the device IPLExtra818 uses intense pulsed light to induce biological processes that are needed in various skin treatments such as Hair Removal, Skin Tightening, Tissue Lifting, Pigmentation and so much more. The device is based on Active’s GEM Technology (geometrical energy management) which means that concentrated light energy is penetrated deeper into the skin, creating visible results with less trauma to the epidermis.IPLExtra818 is the world’s fastest and most effective method of hair removal, using a safe technology approved by Health Canada and a technique that makes the treatment virtually painless.IPLExtra818 permanent hair removal is ideal for those who want to get rid of unwanted hair painlessly and cost efficiently. Intense pulsed light hair removal devices targets hair in the growth phase. It emits a light pulse that, once absorbed by the hair, is converted into heat and will destroy the entire hair cavity at the root causing permanent hair removal. How does the treatment work for photo epilation? The GEM-PL technology sets a specific pulse rate based on the type of treatment chosen, skin colour, skin photosensitivity and treatment depth.Treatment protocols and pulse patterns take into account the thermal relaxation time (TRT) of the tissue. The combination of tested treatment protocols allows the IPLExtra818 to penetrate the melanin in the epidermis without harming it, and to work on other chromospheres found in the dermis with a more effective ~420nm spectrum, resulting in an effective, safe and painless treatment. How does the treatment work for Acne? As part of a routinely metabolism process, the P.Acne bacteria generates an organic compound called porphyrin.High intensity broad spectrum light (Especially blue light) triggers the porphyrin to release single oxygen atoms (Free radicals). These free radicals are seeking other atoms to attach themselves to. They make connections to molecules they are not supposed to connect to, and by doing so they ruin the functionality of these molecules. The activity of many single oxygen atoms destroys the P.Acne bacteria. How does the treatment work for Skin Rejuvenation? GEM-Laser is an innovative technology, developed to harness light energy to treat a variety of skin conditions effectively and successfully. It uses a specific dose (only a few milliseconds per pulse) and intensity of wavelengths, around 420nm to enable optimal results in the production of collagen and elasticity. The combination of tested treatment protocols enables the IPLExtra818 to get through the melanin in the epidermis without harming it, and work on other chromospheres found in the dermis with a more efficient spectrum of ~420nm, resulting in an efficient, safe and pain-free treatment. How does the treatment work for Vascular? Two treatments are administered in order to treat the capillaries: Breaking the layer of clotted blood and re-opening the capillary, resulting in free blood flow through the capillary and the disappearance of the purple colour. Stimulating the collagen layer to produce more collagen, resulting in thicker skin which conceals the capillaries. How does the treatment work for Pigmentation? Solar lentigo, or as more commonly known, age spots, sun spots or liver spots are blemishes on the skin associated with age and exposure to UV radiation from the sun. They range in color from light brown to black and are located in areas most often exposed to the sun, particularly the hands, face, shoulders, arms, forehead, and the head if bald. Light-based technology helps in safe and quick removal of those spots. The melanocytes absorb the energy of the light pulse. This light energy turns into heat energy that coagulates the melanocytes selectively. New cells are later formed without this high concentration of melanin and the skin is renewed. information REQUEST Veuillez activer JavaScript dans votre navigateur pour remplir ce formulaire.Name *E-mail *PhoneCity *Province *QuebecPrince Edward IslandNova ScotiaNewfoundland and LabradorNew BrunswickOntarioManitobaNunavutSaskatchewanAlbertaNorthwest TerritoriesBritish ColumbiaYukonCheck here if outside CanadaCountry *Product or equipment *Message * Send

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Soli-Lite UGS : 411564 Interested? Click here The true science of light therapy Explore the power of Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT) Science Soli-Lite LG4 Galileo is a third generation Light Emitting Diode (LED) photobiomodulation system, designed to treat a variety of skin conditions. Light energy will then trigger cell reaction and stimulate the fibroblasts’ production of collagen and elastin. Soli-Lite LG4 Galileo System combines the therapeutic virtues of four proven wavelengths to fight a number of skin disorders: Yellow light… Yellow light at 590 nm – Yellow light improves both blood and lymph stream. Red light… Visible red light at 633 nm – Visible red light is absorbed by all the skin’s layers, including dermis. Exposure to this wavelength triggers the growth of fibroblasts, leading to the production of additional collagen for the skin1, promoting the natural self-repairing process of the skin and offering a wide range of esthetical applications, including rejuvenation and improvement of scars’ aspect. Near infrared… Near infrared wavelength (830 nm) – This wavelength is absorbed by the cell’s membrane. It boosts the creation of fibroblasts, thus accelerating defence and repair mechanisms of the skin. Near infrared wavelength is highly recommended to improve wrinkles and fine lines appearance. Blue narrow band… Blue narrow band at 415 nm – Blue narrow band impacts the endogenous porphyrins of P. acnes, which results in a photodynamic reaction to destroy the bacteria2. This wavelength is used to impede and reduce the production of P. acnes, thus improving mild to moderate acne appearance. Emission mode The operating concept relies on the impact of the exposure to monochromatic LED light flow. The intensity of the light flow will range from 30 to 150 mW/cm2 at a distance of 1 to 15 cm away from the light source. Red visible light, blue light and near infrared wavelength are transmitted using a continuous mode. Improving gently the appearance of acne Using blue and red wavelengths in alternation to fight the P. acnes bacteria and help restore the skin’s smooth texture, Soli-Lite LG4 Galileo system improves mild to moderately severe acne appearance and restrains its spreading. The texture of the skin becomes more even with a clearer complexion. Wiping out the signs of aging IN MINUTES Red LEDs impact fibroblasts metabolism and breathing, which support our skin and produce collagen, helping boost the rejuvenating effect. By combining red and infrared wavelengths, Soli-Lite LG4 Galileo System helps slow aging signs by improving the wrinkles appearance. It also helps tone the skin and get a smoother and soother complexion. Combined to an invasive procedure, it speeds up and improves recovery. NATURAL, AND GENTLE YET HIGHLY-EFFECTIVE FOR A VARIETY OF SKIN CONDITIONS: Mild to moderately severe acne Wrinkles, fine lines and crows’ feet Old and new scars Damaged skin Dark rings and fatigue signs Aging skin and sagging Stretch marks Acne marks Post-surgery scars, peeling BETTER EXPOSURE, BETTER RESULTS Soli-Lite unique efficiency relies on: Superior new generation LEDs… Superior new generation LEDs featuring integrated lens with narrow beam angle of 40 to 45 degrees angle to control the flow emission. Diffusing high-intensity light, the power and focus of the beam ensure the treatment’s efficiency. Exclusive cooler… Exclusive cooler keeping the flow intensity stable while preventing any fluctuation of the wavelength. Mobile arm… Mobile arm that fits just about any treatment bed. Mobile LED panel… Mobile LED panel that flips to adjust to the target area, allowing to frame narrow areas or to cover wide skin surfaces and ensure the same exposure on all the target surface. EASY TO USE A menu allows to select the desired program among variety of preprogrammed treatments. It also allows many setting options such as increasing or decreasing the intensity. Power and duration will be adjusted automatically. SO POWERFUL THAT YOU’LL SEE STUNNING RESULTS WITHIN MINUTES Before and after picture featuring a smooth younger face SO MANY BENEFITS FOR BEAUTY PROFESSIONALS… Allows to treat wide and narrow skin areas thanks to its mobile LED panel Suits all skin types and colors Non-invasive and safe procedure Easy to use featuring a touchscreen interface Helps improve many skin imperfections (aging, scars, post-surgery skin disorders, inflammation) Can be combined to other treatments BODY & HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS… Triggers the skin self-repairing natural skills Improves blood circulation in treated areas Promotes faster healing times Temporarily relieves pain related to muscle injury or arthritis Can be easily integrated within a cure as an effective adjunct for enhanced results …AND THE CLIENT Natural way to promote faster recovery and relieve muscle pain Non-invasive rejuvenating alternative No side effects or downtime Effective treatment to fight various skin imperfections Helps improve the appearance of scars information REQUEST Veuillez activer JavaScript dans votre navigateur pour remplir ce formulaire.Name *E-mail *PhoneCity *Province *QuebecPrince Edward IslandNova ScotiaNewfoundland and LabradorNew BrunswickOntarioManitobaNunavutSaskatchewanAlbertaNorthwest TerritoriesBritish ColumbiaYukonCheck here if outside CanadaCountry *Product or equipment *Message * Send

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Vasculyse 2G RF

Vasculyse 2G RF UGS : 411110 Interested? Click here An exciting new service for your existing clientele A simple technique • User friendly unit • Instant results A Thermocoagulation System that can be used on all skin types, men or women, to deliver IMMEDIATE VISIBLE RESULTS. THE SKIN CONDITION Telangiectasia occurs when minute blood capillary vessels are permanently dilated, producing tiny little red lines visible at the surface of the skin. It is a condition that develops as we age, usually appearing in the mid-40s, sometimes earlier on those with fair skin. Extreme cold weather and excessive exposure to the sun are the most recognized causes. THE SAFETY During treatment, the probe simply touches the skin surface, following the dilated capillary. Vascular blemishes disappear on contact. THE BENEFITS Small capillary vessels are responsible for cell nutrition. Their impairment can affect the appearance and function of the skin. During Vasculyse 2G RF treatments, the blood into the damaged vessels is coagulated. In time, new healthy capillaries will regenerate, cell nutrition will resume, and the appearance of the skin greatly improves. HOW VASCULYSE 2G RF WORKS? Vasculyse 2G RF thermocoagulation is a product of recent innovations in the field of electronics. It produces perfectly targeted “heat energy” resulting in a thermal lesion. Heat is generated in the capillary vessels resulting in the instant disappearance of blemishes. After treatment tiny temporary scabs may appear to regenerate treated area. Fully computerized controls, user-friendly features, PREPROGRAMMED FUNCTIONS and simplicity all in one Select the program: program 1, program 2… Start Working: Vasculyse 2G RF will automatically choose the proper setting. Telangiectasia Your clients need no longer “live with” unsightly and unpleasant vascular skin conditions. They can move freely and confidently, without the self-consciousness that blemishes can bring. Your clients will look better… and feel better about themselves. information REQUEST Veuillez activer JavaScript dans votre navigateur pour remplir ce formulaire.Name *E-mail *PhoneCity *Province *QuebecPrince Edward IslandNova ScotiaNewfoundland and LabradorNew BrunswickOntarioManitobaNunavutSaskatchewanAlbertaNorthwest TerritoriesBritish ColumbiaYukonCheck here if outside CanadaCountry *Product or equipment *Message * Send

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